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Time will stop for you! But how? | Yagnesh Suthar's Blog 2024

Just close your eyes right now and try to imagine that the whole Earth is rotating around the Sun. Now, try to observe the pattern of Day & Night. You will understand how our measurable time works . As our Earth rotates around the Sun, there are days & nights, right? In the influence of this rotation, our measurable time exists.  Because how do we define our time? We define time as a dimension that measures a change either in distance or situation or maybe something else. But in simple words, the measurement of difference in anything is measured in time.  I know you are naughty enough to question, “ No, we measure the temperature in Kelvin!, how can you say that we measure the difference of anything in time?”   I knew that!  Now try to understand that the temperature you measured was in Kelvin. But the act of measurement was done in time’s dimension . Now I hope you could have got my point of view. So, our time of experience only exists because of the experience of Day & N

India - is it the country of hypocrites?

Disclaimer : If you are not intelligent enough to understand any matter with different perspectives, don’t read this article because it will definitely hurt your ego, emotions, belief system & your so-called “pride” about India. Before you conclude anything from this article, you must understand my intentions for writing this article. So, if you cannot understand my intentions, don’t blame me for misinterpreting these words. Because I have just shown you the facts.  India is a country of hypocrisy (not in terms of its pride, but society). Let me tell you from the scratch! It is not their fault, but their innocence. Because of their best ideology & philosophy, they stuck to their culture. And knowing this fact, many outsiders invade and ruin their beautiful culture in many different ways.  As time changes, we must change ourselves, right?  But, you cannot change the addicted ones . This fact was also known to some of the cruel invaders.  Therefore, they ruined the minds of the p

What is K1L9 virus? | A virus that has been spread in the world from long time ago | Yagnesh Suthar 2024

What if I tell you that there is a widespread virus that has affected 99% of the world population & yet no one cares about it? This virus is being spread by almost everyone & we have been seeing its consequences all over the world, every single day! The virus is called: K1L9 - Virus. (k-one-L-nine) — I will explain the meaning of its name at the end! This virus is so-so powerful that it affects physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our life. It does not only affect your physical health but it also affects your  beliefs, thought process, decision making abilities, intelligence , and whatnot? If anyone is infected by this virus, trust me, eventually, his life will be miserable even after achieving all of his life goals! Do you want to know what are the indications of the infection by this virus? As I just told you, this virus affects human mind severely, and therefore, you will be shocked by knowing the outcomes of the virus’s infection: Increased rape cases Increased murder