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Thinking about Teleportation: New Ideas and Possibilities | Yagnesh Suthar

Thinking about Teleportation: New Ideas and Possibilities

Thinking about Teleportation: New Ideas and Possibilities
This is an attempt to provide you with an idea about teleportation. How modern science is approaching teleportation & how ancient Indian rishis already achieved it?! Albert Einstein also attempted to provide a formula to describe the relationship between energy & matter that we all know, right? (E=Δmc^2) 

While science has been trying to find what is there inside the matter’s core, spirituality (especially Vedas) has already mentioned that there is “supreme consciousness” pervading in the entire universe & beyond. Anyways, we are going to talk about teleportation in this article. 

It has been mentioned in many scriptures that there were people who used their super powers to fulfill their difficult tasks. It is mentioned that Lord Hanumanji has 8 Siddhis (Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Isitva, Vasitva). But how? 

We have been trying to understand them using only a “logical” mindset. That is the reason why we do not understand the facts. And that is the reason why we consider it a myth (which is of course not!). So, how to understand those things? We must develop faith, love & compassion to understand those concepts. But that’s the topic for another time! 

In this article, I came up with one of the most fascinating science concepts which is called “teleportation”. And I have mentioned some of the correlations with ancient methods. And my own opinions. 

Let’s see those ideas on Teleportation:

  • Use of meditation, Pranayam, knowing & understanding the nature of reality altogether will be used to make you realize the concept of consciousness. 

  • Practice of Pranayama & meditation will make you able to control your consciousness as per your will. And you will be able to send your consciousness anywhere you will desire. That’s how you will be able to gather any kind of information from anywhere. 

  • By practicing these techniques, people may gain the ability to direct their thoughts and awareness to specific places, almost like teleporting their minds. This could allow us to gather information from distant locations without physically being there.

  • In simple terms, we're looking at how ancient wisdom and modern concepts of teleportation might come together. We want to figure out how the human mind, through these practices, can overcome physical limits and access distant information. It's like blending science fiction with ancient wisdom to unlock new possibilities.


  • What is teleportation, and how has it been traditionally understood in science fiction and theoretical physics?

    • Teleportation is a concept where something or someone can instantly move from one place to another, like disappearing from one spot and reappearing in another, without physically traveling the space in between. 

    • In science fiction, you might have seen this in shows like "Star Trek" or "Harry Potter," where characters use teleportation devices or spells to move instantly.

    • In theoretical physics, scientists have explored the idea of teleportation through quantum physics. It involves something called "quantum entanglement," which is a phenomenon where two particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle is instantly linked to the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are. This has led to the idea that, theoretically, information about one particle could be used to recreate it somewhere else, effectively teleporting it.

  • Why is teleportation an intriguing and relevant topic for scientific exploration?

    • Teleportation is intriguing for scientists because it challenges our understanding of space and time. 

    • Imagine being able to instantly travel anywhere, like in the blink of an eye, without needing a spaceship or car. If we could figure out how to teleport, it would revolutionize transportation and communication.

    • Scientists are curious about teleportation because it connects to fascinating ideas in physics, like quantum mechanics. 

    • They want to understand if teleportation is possible based on the strange behavior of tiny particles. It's like solving a big puzzle that could change how we think about the universe.

  • What is the main goal of this article?

    • The main goal of this article is to make you aware that by using traditional concepts of science, physics & quantum physics, we can understand matter & energy. We can go deeper in understanding of the matter. But, according to my opinion, reading scriptures & using beliefs, we cannot understand consciousness that pervades everything in the material world by our materialistic approach of understanding. 

    • In my understanding of Teleportation (sending a person physically to a different place), it is a technique that involves transferring three things from one place to another 

      • (according to spirituality): physical body (atoms & molecules), consciousness & prana. And, 

      • (according to science): it is just the physical body (atoms, molecules & organs in proper working condition). 

    • But if it was so, we would have a dead body after a person dies! How & why cannot we make it alive? And, the answer of this question is the indication that we don’t know other aspects of the human body through science i.e. human consciousness. We might believe that human consciousness exists because of the brain or heart. But just after a person dies, his brain & heart both are working for a few moments, right? Why still we do not make him alive? 

    • Because we don’t know what consciousness is. We don’t know what prana is? We have been only looking for logical aspects of understanding the human body. So, we need to adapt to spiritual aspects in order to know & understand consciousness. 

    • The main goal of this article is to explore a different perspective on teleportation and consciousness. In traditional science, we often focus on understanding matter and energy using concepts like physics and quantum physics. These approaches have helped us delve deep into the material world. However, there's more to our existence than what meets the eye.

    • Teleportation, as I see it, involves transferring not just the physical body (made up of atoms and molecules) but also consciousness and prana (a concept related to life force) from one place to another, according to spiritual beliefs. In contrast, mainstream science usually considers only the physical body in teleportation.

    • Here's the intriguing part: when a person passes away, their brain and heart can still function for a short time, but they don't come back to life. This raises questions about what consciousness really is. We might assume that it's connected to the brain or heart, but the mystery deepens when we consider these moments after death.

    • The essence of this article is to suggest that there may be more to our understanding of the human body and consciousness than what traditional science currently comprehends. It invites us to explore spiritual aspects in our quest to grasp the true nature of consciousness, prana, and their connection to teleportation

Theoretical Foundations of Teleportation

One of the key principles of quantum mechanics is entanglement. Entanglement is a phenomenon in which two or more particles are linked together in such a way that they share the same fate, even if they are separated by a large distance.

In 1993, Charles Bennett, Gilles Brassard, Claude Crépeau, Richard Jozsa, Asher Peres, and William Wootters proposed a theoretical framework for teleporting quantum information using entanglement. Their scheme, which is known as quantum teleportation, has since been experimentally demonstrated many times.

Quantum teleportation works as follows:

  1. Two particles, A and B, are entangled.

  2. A third particle, C, is placed near particle A.

  3. The state of particle C is measured.

  4. The results of the measurement are sent to a remote location where particle B is located.

  5. Using the information from the measurement, the state of particle B is manipulated so that it becomes identical to the state of particle C.

In this way, the state of particle C has been teleported to particle B, even though the two particles have never been in direct contact

  • What are the fundamental concepts and principles of teleportation as currently understood in theoretical physics? & How does quantum entanglement play a role in teleportation?

    • The fundamental concepts and principles of teleportation as currently understood in theoretical physics are based on the principles of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic level. At this level, matter behaves in ways that are very different from how it behaves at the macroscopic level.

    • One of the key principles of quantum mechanics is entanglement. Entanglement is a phenomenon in which two or more particles are linked together in such a way that they share the same fate, even if they are separated by a large distance.

    • Another key principle of quantum mechanics is superposition. Superposition is the ability of a quantum particle to be in multiple states at the same time. For example, an electron can be in a state where it is both spinning up and spinning down at the same time.

    • Teleportation is the process of transferring the quantum state of one particle to another particle, even if the two particles are separated by a large distance. Teleportation can be achieved by using entanglement to create a link between the two particles.

    • The simplest form of teleportation is quantum teleportation. Quantum teleportation involves three particles: A, B, and C. Particles A and B are entangled, and particle C is placed near particle A. The state of particle C is then measured, and the results of the measurement are sent to a remote location where particle B is located. Using the information from the measurement, the state of particle B is manipulated so that it becomes identical to the state of particle C. In this way, the state of particle C has been teleported to particle B, even though the two particles have never been in direct contact.

  • Are there any limitations or challenges in the current theoretical framework of teleportation?

    • Creating entangled particles over long distances: One of the main challenges of teleportation is creating entangled particles over long distances. Entanglement is a phenomenon in which two or more particles are linked together in such a way that they share the same fate, even if they are separated by a large distance. Entanglement is essential for teleportation because it allows the state of one particle to be transferred to another particle, even though the two particles are separated by a large distance.

    • Measuring the state of quantum particles: Another challenge of teleportation is measuring the state of quantum particles. Measuring the state of a quantum particle collapses the wave function of the particle, which means that the particle loses its superposition and takes on a definite state. This can be a problem for teleportation because it is necessary to measure the state of one particle in order to teleport it to another particle.

    • Manipulating the state of quantum particles: Once the state of a quantum particle has been measured, it is necessary to manipulate the state of another particle so that it becomes identical to the state of the first particle. This can be a difficult task, especially for large and complex particles.

    • Noise and errors: Teleportation is a very fragile process. Any noise or errors in the system can lead to the teleportation process failing. This is a significant challenge for developing practical teleportation technologies.

    • In addition to these theoretical challenges, there are also a number of practical challenges that need to be overcome before teleportation can be used in the real world. For example, it is necessary to develop efficient and reliable ways to create and manipulate entangled particles. It is also necessary to develop ways to protect the teleportation process from noise and errors.

Expanding the Scope of Teleportation

  • I don’t see teleportation as sending physical body or material from one place to another because it will destroy the peace. 

  • Every technology is useful but (mostly) they have been used for bad purposes. See the recent development of AI. It can be useful for making your lives easier but it can also be used for manipulating people by using reverse psychology, fake emotions & many more things like that. So, if we will achieve the point where we can send material from one place to another, it will be used to send weapons. It will be used to send people to war. They will not use it for humanity. Hence, my only concern here is about teleportation which is useful for humanity. 

  • Above our profits, as a human, we (must) need to think and look at the betterment of our world. That can only be done by benevolent karmas & not by developing competitive businesses. Because, competitive businesses spread hatred & that can bring violence which can destroy the world. But adapting to benevolent karmas, we can make our future generations the best people to live with. 

  • Teleportation I am talking about here is understanding the interconnectedness of every material things & non-material things by understanding our own consciousness that pervades our physical body. 

  • This can be developed by practicing Yoga & Pranayam by adapting to a special type of lifestyle. It can practically be done - the proof of this is the Indian saints who have been following celibacy, providing deeper insights of God & spirituality. 

  • How can you extend or challenge the current understanding of teleportation?

    • We need to change our approach from materialistic to spiritualistic. Because, a materialistic approach will never make us able to understand the sentient thing (consciousness) and without realizing that, we will never be able to teleport our body. 

    • Hence, even if you don’t believe, there will be one day when you will have to believe & trust in spirituality. When you surrender yourself to spirituality, you will definitely understand all your answers. 

Practical Implications and Applications

  • What are the potential real-world applications of teleportation, if it were to become a reality?

    • You can know the workings of the entire world & universe - without using any equipment!

    • You can understand the human body & treat disease easily. In fact, you can rarely get a disease. 

    • Your immunity will become stronger. 

    • Your aging process becomes slow. 

    • Your memory becomes sharper. 

    • You can understand everything you desire. 

    • You can understand the feelings of others & treat them accordingly. 

    • You can save the world from many tragedies. 

Theoretical Models and Hypotheses

  • The implementation & adaptation of Yoga, meditation, Trataka & pranayam in daily life will transcend your physical body’s abilities to a higher capabilities

  • My definition  of Teleportation: sending your own consciousness to anywhere you desire. 

  • To achieve that stage, we first need to understand the nature of consciousness. But before that, you must understand & accept that you are not just a physical body! So, read the below points which show the step by step progress in achieving control over consciousness. 

  • Intellectually (mentally, emotionally) getting detachment from the material world 

  • Developing Karma Yogi mindset - to fulfill your material needs & duties 

  • Performing pranayama, meditation & trataka - practice, practice & practice

  • Now, everything will happen automatically! 

    • You will develop benevolence, intuition, mind reading abilities

    • You will understand the interconnectedness of everything you can think

    • You will understand the Ego - “sense of beingness”, you will understand the nature of your own consciousness

    • After realizing the nature of your consciousness, you can control it according to your will (desire)

    • Wherever you direct your attention, your prana & your consciousness will go there to get the information you need

  • How do these models differ from existing theories (scientific theories)?

    • Incorporation of Yoga and Meditation: This model integrates practices such as Yoga, meditation, Trataka, and pranayama as fundamental components. These practices have traditionally been associated with spiritual and holistic well-being rather than scientific teleportation theories.

    • Consciousness-Centric Approach: The model places a strong emphasis on consciousness as the central element in teleportation. It suggests that understanding and controlling consciousness are essential for achieving teleportation, which deviates from conventional scientific theories that primarily focus on the transfer of physical matter.

    • Holistic Progression: The model outlines a step-by-step progression towards achieving control over consciousness, which includes intellectual detachment, adopting a Karma Yogi mindset, and intensive practice of pranayama, meditation, and trataka. This holistic approach contrasts with traditional scientific methods that often rely on external technologies and materialistic approaches.

    • Development of Abilities: The model suggests that by following this progression, individuals can develop various abilities such as benevolence, intuition, and mind reading. These abilities are typically not addressed or explained by existing teleportation theories rooted in physics and engineering.

    • Understanding the Ego and Self: It introduces the concept of understanding the Ego or the "sense of beingness" as a crucial step in controlling consciousness. This psychological and philosophical aspect is not typically discussed in mainstream teleportation research.

    • Conscious Direction: The model proposes that individuals can consciously direct their attention, prana, and consciousness to gather information from desired locations. This idea goes beyond the traditional scientific view of teleportation as a mechanical or technological process

So, that's it all for today.
Please let me know your feedback on this article. If you would like it, I will write more in detail about consciousness.
Thanks :)


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Ayurveda is an absolute knowledge about health & wellness. Because, unlike modern science it is not only focusing on the gross aspect of the human body. But, Ayurveda focuses on all the aspects of our body i.e. Sthool, Sukhsma & Karana body. Also, it is focusing on three different Gunas (quality/attribute/property) & three Doshas (it is that which can cause problems).  In Ayurveda, onions and garlic are considered to be tamasic and rajasic foods, respectively. Tamasic foods are said to increase inertia, dullness, and negativity in our body & mind. Whereas rajasic foods are said to increase passion, restlessness, and anxiety. According to Ayurveda, onions and garlic have the following negative effects on the body and mind: Tamasic Effects of Onions: Heat-Producing : Onions are considered to have a heating property that can exacerbate Pitta dosha imbalances, leading to symptoms like irritability, anger, and inflammation. Dullness and Lethargy : Onions are believed

Proof of how the mind controls the body? | Yagnesh Suthar 2023

Proof of how the mind controls the body? See the images below. Now you would have a question in your mind: how can a tiger kill a deer? As you can see in the images above, deers can run faster than the tiger but still being caught by them, how?  The answer is “Fear”. Tiger represents himself with full of self confidence & determined to achieve its goals. When a deer is a victim of the tiger’s goal, it sees the confidence of the tiger & has fear in itself.  Fear is a destroying emotion in the human/animal body.  Fear creates doubt & doubt destroys faith. When faith is destroyed, you are destroyed! Because, the entire world is working on faith!  When a deer sees a tiger chasing him with the angry face & roar of the tiger, its senses create a negative imagination of “being killed by the tiger” in its mind. That imagination could be the consequence of the previously seen events where many deers got caught by tigers & were killed by them. So, just after imagining that sc

Where is your God? | A deep research on atheist & theist's point of views | Yagnesh Suthar 2023

Does God exist?  If you are a person who is often bombarded with questions like: “ Where is your God?, Is he helping us even in kaliyug?, Are you able to prove if there is any God? ” then this article is for you! I met many different people, some of them were atheists & some of them were theists. I heard both of them & found one similarity! Atheists don’t believe in God because they are looking for evidence that can prove God’s existence. And, theists believe in God because they have strong faith in God. I know you may ask “where is the similarity?”  Don’t worry dear, first, read the article without fear!!! Two life stories Let me tell you two real life stories & I will tell you the conclusion.  This incident took place on 10 August 2020 . It was 7:30 pm and it was raining heavily. I was riding my motorcycle on the road near Anand Zydus Hospital (Anand, Gujarat) to go home from work and at that time I was riding at a little speed to reach home early. And just then I felt t