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Nectar Words. - What do you really need in your life? - the ultimate question | Yagnesh Suthar [2024]

Nectar Words | What do you really need in your life? - the ultimate question?

Every single day, everyone on earth wakes up, gets ready, and goes to their jobs or businesses just to "earn money". Because we strongly believe that, "if I want to be happy, I will need to make as much money as I can". With the same thought process, almost "everyone" on earth is living their life. But, I have seen many people dying at the age of 30 or sometimes below 30! 

The reasons for death could be anything, but the fact is that I have seen many people dying at various ages unexpectedly. This fact proves that there is no certainty of the time of death, but death is certain. Life has no guarantee that when you may die! If there is no certainty of the time of death, don't you think that we must find the purpose of our life? 

Because even after earning huge amounts of money, I have seen people who are still working to get more money (see the billionaires of today)! And even after having everything, at the time of death, nothing they will take with them. Then, why were they born? Are not they the body we see, feel, and spend time with? 

If it is not so, who are they? or to be specific personally, "who are we"? 

I still remember when I was 16, I had a lot of questions about life. For example: 

  • "Why are we born?", 
  • "Why do we die?", 
  • "Where do we go into our deep sleep?", 
  • "If we are what we represent to the world, why we do not experience the material world in deep sleep?",

That means we are not what we think we are, but in fact, we have not recognized ourselves!

You know very well that everything happens for a reason. That is what the universal principle "Cause-Effect" is. 

If our existence on this earth is for a limited period, there must be a strong purpose to fulfill (which of course we don't know or we don't want to know). 

If we believe that we are the one who runs the world (for example, you may be thinking that your family is surviving because of you, your business is run because of you, your presence is a must in your groups, etc"), trust me, we are not the controller (even though we strongly and falsely believe it)! 

We cannot control our own breath for a single hour, how can we control the world surrounding us? We cannot. We are a medium, we are sent on earth for a "specific" purpose. We have to fulfill our duties to get rid of this "birth-death game" that we have been a part of since infinite times. 

But why? 

Because, even if you think that, "I am going to have everything in my life one day", you will not have. Because your life is totally based on your karma. And you definitely don't know your karma of previous lives. And if you want to know them, you will need to adopt certain lifestyles - which also you don't want to adopt. So, how can you know your mistakes? 

Hence, instead of objecting to the universal laws, we should accept whatever nature has to give us, we just need to change our perception of the experience and we will have different abilities. 

But how will you change the thought process? How will you change the perceptions? 

What would be your answer if someone asked you, "What do you really need in your life?"

The majority of people would reply "wealth, health, happiness, peace, fame, and, love".

But almost all of them do not even know the "right way" and "right source" of all these goals. 

  • "Have you ever observed your life, why do you have problems?" 
  • "Even after taking good actions, why do you have to suffer from pain?"
  • "Even though you act according to righteousness, however, you face struggles in life, why?" 
  • "Were you born to work your entire life?" 
  • "If you are going to die one day leaving everything behind, why are you running behind accumulating so much wealth?" 
  • "If you were born in this world, was that because of your wish?" 

If you are not able to control your breath for a single hour, if you are not getting things as per your expectations or planning, that simply means you are not the controller of your life. Then why do you believe that you are the “doer”? 

Now, there are some researchers and scientists who have already developed certain techniques and methods like the "Law of manifestation, Law of attraction" etc.

Indeed, they definitely work, but, to a certain extent only. Few people lived their entire life by applying and believing in the "law of manifestation". But, if you are going to apply it to your life, it will only work to a certain extent but not all the time. At that time, you will think that "the law is not working!" but it is not like that! Manifestation works because of your beliefs. The stronger the belief, the more "probability of the success of expectation". Why did I use "probability"? Because our "will" does not decide our experiencing situations. Our experiencing situations are the results based on our Sanchit Karma. Life is a simple mixture of karma and the results of how we react to it. It's a combination of all three types of karmas (Sanchit, Prarabdh, and Kriyaman). Anyways, we will learn it later on!

Coming back to our on going questions!

Why do you have Ego? 

Why do you expect anything from anyone? 

If you delve deeper into the questioning, you will have only three questions: 

  • Who am I? (who is the source of existence?)

  • Why am I here (purpose of life)?

  • How to fulfill that purpose? (To get liberation)

But, apart from these all, every one of us is trapped in the material world in the materialistic achievements (which are going to vanish along with our death). 

Only we take with us is "our karma, our knowledge, our abilities, etc.

However, when we are born into a particular family, we also get some qualities based on our parents because we have an opportunity to be born by their union. Hence, we get some of the qualities from them too. And, as we grow, we adapt to various conduct of life, various types of foods, and so on. 

Everything affects us in so many more ways. Just like eating an onion provides you with anger, likewise, different kinds of food affect our existence differently. But because we have never been told about the "reality", we are getting trapped day by day in materialistic achievements.

Even without our notice, we commit many crimes (sins) and become eligible to pay them anyhow. Have you ever thought about why only humans can think and change their lives? why other animals cannot do as we can? Because their birth is meant for "indulgence", "surviving (due to past karma)", "and service". Their consciousness is limited to those aspects only. But our consciousness is limited to many more aspects. We (human lives) are the bridge through which consciousness can reach other dimensions of existence. 

Human life is so precious that even celestial beings also looking to take birth in human lives. To be born as a human is very much fortunate because from the human form alone one can become free — free from all misery and sufferings of life, free from all the bondage of life after life! Hence, the most important purpose one can ever live for is only one — liberation (liberation from this game called "life")!

S.B. 11.9.29: 

लब्ध्वा सुदुर्लभमिदं बहुसम्भवान्ते

मानुष्यमर्थदमनित्यमपीह धीर: ।

तूर्णं यतेत न पतेदनुमृत्यु याव-

न्नि:श्रेयसाय विषय: खलु सर्वत: स्यात् ॥

Meaning: "After many births and deaths, one achieves the rare human form of life, which, although temporary, allows one to attain the highest perfection. Thus, a wise person should quickly endeavor for the ultimate goal before another death occurs. After all, sense gratification is available even in the most abominable species of life, whereas Krsna consciousness (realization of supreme consciousness) is possible only for a human being."

However, you will not understand or show interest in learning those aspects because of your lifestyle and karma.

But, if you are reading these words, trust me, your own "eagerness", "intuition", and "the spiritual aspect of yourself" have directed you to select this content for reading it. 

Because this book is the bridge or door to get the knowledge that has been evaluated many times.

Many kings renounced their kingdoms and all their wealth or prosperity just to find the answers to those three questions.

Many outsiders attacked Ancient India a few centuries ago just to get this knowledge (because of that knowledge, India was considered a "Golden bird"). -- This, of course, is lost (unfortunately) now from the routine of today's people and people do not even think to learn it! - Poor people!

So, just imagine how precious this knowledge would be. Even after stealing many things from India, they did not implement that knowledge into practical life. If they could have implemented it, the entire earth would be like a family. But, humans are humans. Even after getting human life (after 84 lakh yonis), they still want to get trapped in indulgence. 

If you can get permanent satisfaction and happiness by having sex, by getting trapped in indulgence, and by fulfilling your desires, then how do you need to do them again and again? 

And if there is a need to do it again and again, trust me, it is nothing but a mirage. 

Also, this mirage snatches the living force from you and gives you death as a gift. Hence, there is no permanent happiness or satisfaction in materialistic achievements, it only comes after realizing the self. All the questions of your life will vanish after realizing the self. You will get to know everything you will ever wish for. 

The entire world runs based on hope, and faith! If you are doing a job or business, you have some expectations that “I will get something after finishing this work (it could be money, promotion, appreciation, or anything)”. And if I finish this work, I will be happy or satisfied. But as you finish one of your tasks, a few more are raised just after that! 

This task-fulfilling cycle repeats endlessly unless you realize that this all exists temporarily! 

The day when you will realize the fact that with each of your breaths, you live with death as well, will be the time when you will have a complete understanding of life and you will look for the answers to those three questions. Because that is what the goal is. 

The goal of human life is to reach the source of his existence by not getting trapped in the illusion surrounding him. - Yagnesh

From birth, I have been an “experiencer” of my life (thinking of myself as a “doer”) but one day I realized the fact that we are not “doers”, we are “mediums” and that day after, I have been an “observer” of my life. In this way, I have got so many answers to my questions which the majority of people do not know.

And if some people know them, they don't want to implement the knowledge in their life at this very moment because they are looking for a specific time to implement such knowledge! Hence even though they have known it, they are suffering in life.

And those who have completely understood this knowledge, are already immersed (or engrossed) in attaining the truth. That is the reason why people like me and you are not getting the right source or guidance of such knowledge.

While I am also journeying to attain this truth, I have compiled it in this book. And, I want to share it with you so that you can also adopt it and attain the truth. 

In this book, I have answered many questions as simply as I can so that even a 15-year-old teenager can understand these aspects of life.

If any of the government wants to make their country the most powerful in all aspects of existence, this knowledge must be taught from school time. This knowledge changes the perception of humans in a way that will only bring permanent happiness, satisfaction, prosperity, unconditional love, and whatnot.

The person who understands all the intentions of this book and implements it in his life will definitely become the most knowledgeable and powerful person on earth. (Your definition of "most knowledgeable" and "most powerful" will be different from mine because, for now, you have not known the intentions of this book.) 

You spend nearly (GBP) £10,000 a year to get a degree that can give you a job, some money to survive, and happiness. Now question yourself: before a few centuries ago, when there were no universities, were people not surviving?

Of course, they were surviving. 

But our minds have been manipulated so that we are already affected by millions of desires. For example, you might want to get the costliest smartphone, a great-looking car, the most comfortable lifestyle, and whatnot. Also, they (those who are affected by seven enemies) have been using many dark secret psychological tricks, manipulation techniques, and marketing secrets to manipulate your mind and beliefs in any way possible. And you (the victim of such manipulations) are so strongly affected by this that you do not even realize what is your identity, what is your goal in life, what you have to do here on this earth, and why are you living in miseries. 

To be honest, not for me, but for yourself, just for one day, try to observe your daily routine as a third-person observation. You will realize that all your actions are just for earning money, fulfilling your desires, taking revenge, making your (so-called) "loved ones" happy, and whatnot!

All your mental and physical energy is so much involved and engrossed in thinking about fulfilling these many tasks. That is the reason why you get tired at the end of the day.

But when you return to sleep, you get refreshed!


What is there in the sleep that makes you fresh?

There must be something in the sleep that always makes you feel fresh, don't you think so?

But science has no (satisfactory) answers to such questions.

Though I am a student of science, and I am a pharmacist myself, how and for what reason I might believe in such things? 

The reason is, "I strongly believe in self-experience and observation through intellect". I believe in "documented evidence" to a certain limit. Otherwise, I only believe in something if, from all the aspects of intellectual reasoning, I find any satisfactory answer. Beyond "intellectual reasoning", there is a great parameter that has been only understood by sages, that is, Faith. Who has understood "love", has understood everything. 

You go to university and spend huge amount on your course, however you are not happy and satisfied. Even after marrying your loved one, you are getting frustrated at some moments in life. Even after eating your favorite dishes, you become ill. Even after indulging in something, you again get the desire for indulgence and your thirst becomes stronger! So, all your expenditure of time and money is not worth enough to give you all that you really need. 

But, the fact is that you do not even know: "What do you really need?"

That is why I have written this book for you to exactly let you know what you really need in your life.

Also, this book explores many of the concepts that should have been taught in schools but have never been taught. 

If you understand the intentions of my words, and if you follow what is said in the book, then all the money you have invested till today to get everything you wanted in your life will be of no worth than the price of this book: "What do you really need in your life?"

The words of this book are "Nectar Words", and you will realize this after reading, understanding, and implementing the advice in life from this book.  

Get this book from here.


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