What does a "real boy" expect from his "life partner"? | Relationship Solutions | expectations in relationship | Yagnesh Suthar 2023
What do they want:
- Loyalty
- Respect for his parents
- Understanding
- Love & Care
- Truthfulness
- Lifelong Friendship
- Support in every phase of life
What do not they want:
- Selfishness
- Laziness
- willing to do as he/she pleases! (Obstinate & unconventional) - સ્વછંદી
- Attraction is a part of human nature.
- If you see a beautiful girl, you may be attracted towards her.
- If you see a handsome guy, you may be attracted towards him.
- But, even though, if you are offered the most perfect person in comparison to your partner and still you choose only your partner, that's called loyalty. That's called love.
- Loyalty is that you never leave your partner in his tough times, instead, you help him come out of that situation by motivating him, helping him in anyway possible.
- I have seen people who has their beautiful wife/husband and still they are looking for extra marital affairs. How ridiculous they are! They don't value what they have!
Respect for his parents:
- Boys are very simple. They don't expect too much from their partner.
- They only want their surrounding people to be happy. Especially their parents. But I have seen that the majority of times, guys change after marrying. Because they listen to their wives. Instead, it would be really appreciated that as a girl you should respect his parents.
- As a girl, you should take care of his parents just like their daughter. They will bless you for sure and your family will always be happy.
- The only reason for family clashes is nothing but "ego".
- Many times, mother in law never wants to keep their ego aside and many times the wives.
- Why don't they both behave like a daughter and mother?
- Boys expect only one thing from their partner and family: "they should always be happy because of him no matter what".
- Boys never personally want anything for themselves except very delicious food on time!
- If my partner talks with a male person, I may get jealous and it is common human nature.
- But, I must have a strong trust in her that she is not going to leave me.
- And because of that strong trust, I must never doubt her character. That's the indication of intelligence and understanding.
- It is applicable for both male and female.
- See, your partner could be an extrovert and she may like to talk with many people openly but that does not mean that she is not loving you or that does not mean that she is cheating on you. That simply means she is an extrovert.
- I have seen many girls checking the phone of their partner. It shows that you don't trust your partner. You must have faith in them. It is applicable for both of you.
- Many times I have seen girls often call their partner and ask where they are, what are they doing, with whom they are and so on. But honestly, by doing such things, you are not "taking care" of him but, you are just spying on him.
- That could be because of your love, but the other person will always look at it as a "spying due to jealousy".
- It is called bondage. Don't expect too much from your partner. They love you, so they will definitely love you.
- Your expectations are the only reasons for your sadness.
Love & Care:
- Over care can kill your respect (as I mentioned above). It is like a bond.
- For example, if you went somewhere, it is appreciated that you inform your partner about it but it is not at all acceptable that you call him/her every single hour and ask what's going on, how are you?, Have you had lunch or dinner etc.
- This is bondage. When you were not there in their life, they were living freely without any hassle and so will be even without you! So, don't expect too much from each other.
- Because, these expectations will be converted into quarrels.
- When she becomes ill, you must take care of her.
- When she is not feeling well mentally, motivate her like a father.
- When she is depressed, make her laugh like a brother.
- When she behaves immaturely, handle her as your daughter, when she needs love & care, become her husband.
- And, it is applicable for girls as well!
- Faith only sustains by truth. Love is nothing but an expression of faith. That is the reason where there is love, there will be faith and there will be Truthfulness.
- Without truthfulness, there can never be faith and love. Hence, if you really want your relationship to be full of love, always be truthful with your partner.
- Never hide even a silly thing from her/him.
- But the only condition is that he/she must be able to understand you. Otherwise, if they will not be able to understand your perspective of thinking & understanding, they will never have faith in you.
- Which leads to non-lasting relationships. So, first understand your partner, if you think they are immature, make them mature enough to understand yourself. And then be truthful to them always.
Lifelong Friendship:
- Only a friendship is a true relationship where there are no expectations, jealousy and politics.
- A real friendship is a very great relationship where people have a strong understanding of each other and they want each other to always be happy.
- They help each other succeed in life in all aspects. I would call it true support.
- Many boys are very chilling in nature. They don't mark silly things.
- If their friends make them feel down, they are not too egoistic to take revenge with them.
- They just want a friend who can support them in every aspect of their life.
Support in every phase of life:
- Selfish are those who leave their partner in tough times. They just want not real love but only materialistic happiness.
- I will never look at such people. If you are going to marry a person, he/she is your life.
- You have to or you must support them in every phase of his/her life.
- You become ill, who help you? Your Mom and Dad. That's called love.
- If your Dad becomes ill, who help him? Your Mom. That's called love! That's what I want you to understand!
- Today is the generation where people have no understanding & empathy because they are over educated!!!
- And that's the reason why they are not having great relationships with their partners.
- I have seen many people who are not satisfied with their partners in some ways.
- They want loneliness so that they can become free! They want freedom from "bondage", "superiority-inferiority", and many more! The deep down there is only one parameter that affects the relationship i.e. selfishness (ego)!
That's the reason why a real boy will never prefer selfish girl. Because she will make partitions in family.
She will not believe in staying together because of her ego and selfishness. And, I am not just pointing here only the girl.
I am also telling this to boy's moms as well.
Because, you can't clap with one hand!
Modern girls are lazy. They prefer fast food or candle light dinner so that they don't have to cook food by themselves. Instead, you both (you and your partner) together should make food. But, don't prefer to go outside for dinner or lunch every time.
There is a reason behind it! As you eat, so shall you think.
Our culture is very great because it has taught us many things.
Have you observed that if you eat onion, you will become more angry, why? Because of it's nature.
Likewise, as you eat so shall you become. Hence, don't become lazy girl!
If you're tired, let your partner know about it and make your food together! But don't be too lazy!
We humans have temporary emotions in some situations.
It means, many times we behave like a kid, many times we behave like too mature and many times we behave like a mad man!
It's because we are experiencing our emotions differently in every different situations.
Girls are affected strongly by this. They have a nature that they are too emotional.
Hence, they will experience it very often compared to boys.
And because of this reason, they will behave like obstinate. And this obstinateness can ruin your relationship.
So, you (being a girl) should understand to control your emotions and don't be obstinate.
Be conventional. Be obedient and understanding. Also, I would say to boys that they should understand this fact & try to correct their partner in every situation as a best friend & not as a husband (by being dominant!).
So, that's all for this article. I have many more for you if you want to know! Comment on this post so that I can understand whether or not have you read it completely!
See you in the next one! Take care & be happy :)
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