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What is Sthitapragna (Sthitaprajna) & is it needed in today's world? | Yagneshh Suthar 2023

What will be your reaction when someone is abusing you in front of 100 people where you have been considered as a rich & great person?

What will be your reaction when in a group of 100 people when you solve a problem that no one could think of and people appreciate you a lot?

The answer of this question reveals your state of understanding of life.

Sthitaprajna - Yagnesh Suthar

Let me tell you in detail:

The reaction of yourself in any situation is the indication that your mind & ego is governed by some factors. For example, if your answer of the first question is "angry", it means, you are easily triggered by someone if they abuse you. Hence, whenever someone wants to make you angry, they will use "abusement" as a tool!
So, you are a machine.
A machine is having its own switch and by using it, we can control machine. Likewise, people can can control us by using some tools!

So, how to be independent from being controlled by others? Is there any solution?
Yes, become Sthitaprajna.

According to Yogapedia:
Sthitaprajna is a Sanskrit term that means “contented,” “calm” and “firm in judgment and wisdom.” It is a combination of two words: sthita, meaning “existing,” “being” and “firmly resolved to,” and prajna, meaning “wise,” “clever” and “intelligent.” In the Bhagavad Gita, sthitaprajna refers to a man of steady wisdom.

Now, let me elaborate what does it mean:
Sthitapragna or Sthitaprajna is a person having steady mind in any situation. According to Osho, we all have triggers (buttons) that other people use to control us because we are the slave of our Ego (ahankara). We don't have our minds in our control. For example, if I abuse you in front of 100 people, you will become angry. If I appreciate you in front of 100 people, you will be happy. When our emotions change based on other's actions, that simply means we are nothing but the devices that are controlled by others. You must have self control (sanyam) in order to be yourself.

In the moment of happiness, I am not saying that you should not feel happy but with presence of your mind! I mean, you should be happy and you should also be aware that yourself is feeling happy right now. By doing so, you will have control over your actions. And, no one will ever trigger your emotions.

I have observed that two opposite religious people quarrel with each other only because of ego. Religions are not for division, they are meant to make us together. But almost every religious people have a wrong understanding of their own religion. All religions of the world teaches us about benevolence, love, unity but no one follows them! They blindly believe in religious texts. They don't even understand what is right and what is wrong. Anyways, that's not my concern for this post!

Becoming Sthitapragna is a great achievement for a person at a mental level. Because, that type of person can achieve anything he wants to in his life.

But, honestly, when you become Sthitapragna, you don't want anything. I mean, your desires become zero. You become desire less. Because, you understand that desires are only the main cause factors of karma. And karma is the cause factors of life-death & rebirths. So, Sthitapragna is an intelligent person according to shashtra.

According to Shreemad Bhagavad geeta, there are 6 definitions of Sthitaprajna:
It is mentioned in chapter 2, verses 55-60.
Let me interpret it for you (consider the 1st shloka = 55th verse of chapter 2):

1. He who is unmoved by praise or blame, heat or cold, honor or dishonor, pleasure or pain, is called a sthitaprajna.

Meaning: the person is not affected by appreciation and blame! His awareness is so strong that he cannot be affected with heat or cold. Not will the honor make him happy nor dishonor will make him sad because he is beyond his Ego. His presence (consciousness) observes everything including his own self! When you become observer, you develop understanding of non-doer & which makes no effects on yourself.

2. He who is not attached to sons, wife, home, or wealth, and who is free from anger, fear, and greed, is called a sthitaprajna.

Meaning: the person has no attachments to the materialistic world and life because he knows that it will going to end one day with the end of life. Also, he has a strong understanding that all my relations are not my relations, they are the relations of this physical body for the duration of this body's life. Hence everything is just temporary including your relations. So, with this strong understanding, he will not be affected by anger, fear, greed, wealth and relations. One more most important thing: he will not become self-centered by that kind of understanding, instead, with love & benevolence in heart, he will fulfill all of his duties.

3. He who is not attached to any of the sense objects, and who is not disturbed by them, is called a sthitaprajna.

Meaning: This shloka also says the same thing about attachment. We have got 5 senses: touching, seeing, smelling, hearing, and speaking. We must not attach to the objects of our senses. Because that attachment leads to expectations and finally sorrows.

4. He who is able to withdraw his senses from their objects, just as a tortoise withdraws its limbs into its shell, is called a sthitaprajna.

Meaning: the above statement is applicable for a person who has realized his own true nature by deep understanding of knowing who am I. If you have realized your true identity, you will be able to withdraw your senses. This definition is not meant for us (materialistic minded people! we need to learn a lot more to get that power & understanding).

5. He who is always content, who is always satisfied with what he has, and who is not attached to anything, is called a sthitaprajna.

Meaning: this explains the self satisfaction of the Sthitaprajna. He is desire less. He knows what (a great and eternal character) it has! That's why he will have no more desire or nothing will be there to know. That's why he would be happy with whatever he has. Everyone in the world works for money or happiness, right? They think that happiness comes when you have money. But it is not like that. Happiness is the resulting emotion of your understanding about your satisfaction.

6. He who is free from all desires, who is free from all attachments, and who is free from all egoity, is called a sthitaprajna.

Meaning: this last statement is the conclusion of all above. It comprise all the above. The one who has no desires, attachments and ego will be a true knower of self. And this person is a Sthitapragna.

If you want to know more about becoming Sthitaprajna, read Shreemad Bhagavad Geeta and know more about the nature of reality.

Also, if you liked this article, I would highly recommend you connect with me through my Instagram profile:

I have recently written a book on "What I've learned in 25 years of my life" where I have explored many different types of understanding of life at various different ages! So, if you would be interested to read it, here's the link where you can read it for free (if you have Amazon prime subscription):


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