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How women's choices & decisions have ruined the entire human society? | Most Controversial Topic | Yagnesh Suthar's Blog

This writing is for all my dear sisters & mothers in the world. This is an eye opening writing which will tell you how Tamasic Quality People use Reverse Psychology to trick your brain & make you fool. This will be the most controversial writing for the entire humanity because, this writing will show you the detailed analysis & perspective of seeing the reality with different viewpoints. 

How women's choices & decisions have ruined the entire human society?

This article is not just my view alone but a guiding article for the welfare of the future generation. Moreover, if any woman in the world decides to act according to this article, I guarantee that the future will be full of respect and honor for women. And if any woman does not do this kind of behavior then you can see the future right now in its infancy stage where the whole society is being corrupted by adultery, child abuse and dirty thoughts.

Also, whatever I have mentioned in this writing, should be read as many times as you can, to understand the real intention behind each of my statements, otherwise, at first instance, you will definitely misinterpret the writing for 100% sure if your behavior is not according to Satvik Quality. 

One more thing I would like to say from the bottom of my heart: To all my dear sisters & mothers of the world, I am really sorry for the wordings used in this writing. My main intention is to make you & all men aware about the reality & real facts so that they can adopt righteousness in understanding & behavior. But, if I would have not used such wordings that could touch people's heart, people would never understand the intentions & meaning behind the statements. So, I am again really sorry for my wordings & I have also used some rude language & ways to make you aware about the reality. But all these words & statements are for the betterment of the entire humanity. I strongly believe that I have tried my best to follow righteousness as much as I can, according to our scriptures & vedas. So, let’s start without delay. 


Do you know in today's generation, women are shown half-naked in Televisions, Advertisements, Web Series & Movies? 

But why? 

Why don't women object to this in any way? 

There are many so-called “feminists”, why don’t they make any objections on this matter? 

Because, women of this century have already been manipulated by those tamasic people using reverse psychology. They have been forcefully convinced to believe that “wearing half-naked clothes”, or “wearing the clothes that show the body-figure” will attract men. But that’s not the reality. 

Showing body-figures to men, only weak & lusty people will be attracted, not a brave, warrior & gentleman. 

One more thing: I strongly understand the rights of a woman. 

But which kinds of rights? If someone has applied perfume and comes in front of you, you will definitely be able to smell the fragrance without their permission, right? But if the same perfume is brought in front of you (packed in a bottle), you won't be able to smell its fragrance unless and until you open the bottle and spray it on your clothes. 

In the same way, a woman is the jewel of your family. She is the pearl of your family. She is the most respected and future creator of her husband’s family. If she is not protected by every way possible, she will be destroyed and then she will destroy the entire universe. Cannot you see that even in history, Ramayana and Mahabharata had happened because of the same issues. Ravana (even being the great knowledgeable Brahman,) followed non-righteousness and hence destroyed the entire Demon clan. In the same way, in Mahabharata, Kauravas followed non-righteousness and hence destroyed themselves. Here, non-righteousness is nothing but disrespecting women. 

Women had been worshiped in Ancient Indian culture because of many reasons of which I will tell you two! 

Woman (in terms of Gunadharma {attribute}) is the reason for man's existence. The power (shakti - feminine attribute) of man is woman. You could also have heard great people saying that there is always a woman behind every successful man. And that is why the formation, manners (cultural aspects), knowledge and upbringing of a man must be done by a woman. As a woman's contribution is to make man capable and a warrior, in return man protects her, respects her & venerates her. 

I can see today how a dancer has to show her body in a movie? 

But why?

Will the same woman be able to proudly tell her children that her mother used to entertain in cinemas in front of men from all over the world by displaying her body? 

And there are few women who sacrificed their lives for their country and family.

I am not insulting anyone here, but
where there is knowledge of manners and limits, there is respect. The beauty of a woman is in her skill in how she makes her family and her children great. Do you remember any of those dancers who used to please Kings in ancient times? But, I'm definitely sure that you must be knowing and feeling proud of Jija Bai (mother of great chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj). 


Because, that's the reality. It was Jija bai’s duty to raise such a warrior for the betterment of the nation which she did with great care and we all know that history. Every person (male or female) in the world has a different duty. And that is why both are different. Both have equal rights but different duties. 

There is a difference between right and duty. Today I can see that feminists are talking about changing duties in the name of equal rights and it is causing havoc

Anyways, women were the main people of the home. They were responsible for teaching their kids everything including Sanskar (manners), Maan-maryada, basic formalities (to respect elders & behaving nicely with youngsters), respecting others & many cultural aspects that could grow their children with the right knowledge & could make them humble people. 

But by seeing other cultures (where there are no real emotions among them), by the atrocity of some idiots (who were addicted people, who were ignorant people & who were having tamasic quality) & by many of such parameters, women started thinking why not to be “self-dependent”

Being self-dependent is a very great thing in life. But, everyone has different roles & responsibilities. And, as per their roles & responsibilities, their definition of being self-dependent is also different from males. 

Today, in the name of ‘equality’, women want duties to be the same as that of men. But women & men are not equal. If it was so, why did God create two different genders? Whatever there is in the universe, has its own purpose, role & responsibilities. Sun never provides cold & moon never provides lightness (heat)! 

But, we humans, because of our jealousy, ego & self-centered nature, object to universal principles & invite destroyal of the entire humanity. Without even understanding the necessities of life, we become the slave of our mind & senses. 

Second reason: Women have so many qualities that a man may never have in his life from birth! However, women are not born to take the position & role of men in general. Women are an endless ocean of love and compassion. They are creative, they are born with great creativity. With the help of their creativity & emotional abilities, they can create great people in the world which a common man can not do. That is why, in our Ancient Indian culture, women were provided with such respect that men worshiped them considering them as either a mother, sister or daughter. Also, women’s creativity can bring revolution in the innovation & research field. Hence, whenever there is necessity of creativity & beauty, women should always be there but not as a total replacement of man, but as an equal assistant of man. And by saying this, I do not have the intention of superiority or inferiority. There is no superiority or inferiority. It is all about the abilities & duties. For example, water is water & fire is fire. Both are two different elements of nature. However, both alone cannot create the universe. For the creation of the universe, both must meet & fulfill their own duties. The sense of superiority & inferiority has been developed in your mind by the egoistic nature & comparison. 

Anyways, coming back to topic, men of ancient culture were adopting Brahmacharya - a way of living life with Satvik quality. But due to the invasion of many outsiders, India has suffered a lot in terms of culture. They left India from "Sone Ki Chidiya" to "Vichalit Chidiya". People forgot about the importance of Brahmacharya. Men of this country were provided with the entertainment stuff that can only divert their mind to destroy their faith in God, brahmacharya & many more things. And not only that, mark my words, they planned such a conspiracy that day by day Indian culture would be destroyed forever. And this I am not writing from my mind, but a detailed observation from over the last 7 years on the culture of India and the description of the scriptures which is clearly visible & that is what I am writing here.

Sincerely speaking, the plight of India today is such that a person here never even opens the scriptures and yet, calls it superstition. Such men live under the false pretense of being self-dependent. And, people without Dharma (righteousness) never understand the truth. Their mind is always absorbed in tamasic activities. Those people do what they think without understanding the reality. And worst of all is the fact that those people trust folks who never want their best. 

Put your hand on your chest & ask your heart, do you really think that whatever ads are shown on TV, are those people showing ads for your good or to sell their products? 

Of course they show ads for earning money. They really don't care at all what will happen to you. Because, I myself have worked as a marketer so, I know the dark reality of marketing! They use reverse psychology tricks to fool people so that people can be convinced to buy their products. 

Recently, I saw a controversy between Dr. Vivek Bindra and Sandeep Maheshwari. (If you search on YouTube, you will find the video). I'm not going to elaborate on that but will tell you my opinion: “Half-truth” is not the complete truth. Hence, it is a false & wrong representation of the subject matter. So, when marketing is done with “half-truth” and people are convinced to buy your products, it's your fault. If you cannot provide a 100% guarantee on your product or service, you should not market it. If Dr. Bindra proves that his products are 100% efficacious in every possible way as per his interpretation, implementation & requirement of implementation, he is not at fault. At that time, the consumer or the buyer is at fault that he is not willing to put efforts as per Dr. Bindra. Otherwise, Dr. Bindra is at fault. It's as simple as that. I'm not concluding who is at fault and who is not, but, I would say that there are people who use dark secrets of marketing to sell their products or services anyhow just to make money. They really don't care what will happen to you. And if they really were taking care of you, they would never promote those things simultaneously of which one promotes addiction & other promotes healthcare! Wow! What a great conspiracy?! And you strongly believe in them because they are your ideals. My dear, this is called "Blind Belief". 

So, through the movies, web series & advertisements, they show that men like girls in half-naked clothes. Women have the nature of getting attention. They have a nature like if someone (men) notice them, appreciate their beauty, they would be happy. And, men know this fact. So, by showing such ads, girls will think that, "to be attractive & to get the attention of men, I should wear such figure-displaying clothes” or “to look most beautiful, I should wear figure-displaying clothes” or “if my role model (any actress) is looking beautiful by wearing such clothes, I would also wear such clothes to be look like her!”. By that thought, they will try as much as possible to be "beautiful" & "attractive". 

Also, if another woman is doing the same thing, she will compete & try her best to look more attractive than other women!. And, the cycle will repeat! But they don't understand that by doing this, they are making the environment bad for themselves

Because, a woman is very beautiful if she has a good character. In our culture, women are worshiped because of their character not because of their body's figure. seeing body's figure of a woman (with sexual desire) without her permission is a disrespect of that woman & It is a sin. 

But, the media has distorted and corrupted our women's minds. And that is why our women, because of their fickle nature, accepted what was not meant to be accepted. 

Let me give you one recent example. A few days ago, Rashmika Mandanna was trolled with an ‘AI generated deep fake video’. Now, when she saw that video, she was feeling disrespectful. 

But, I don’t understand that if she really felt disrespected by that video, why is she still showing kissing scene, sexual scenes in her movies? 

It was later also explained by people that “consent” is very important. 

Okay, so if she was asked by those ‘AI deep fake creators’ to make such a video, could she ever grant permission? 

Of course not. (And that must be the truth). 

But, when she was offered such a scene in the Animal movie with some money, she happily granted the permission. 

Do not make any decision in your mind right now, because this is a very controversial topic & needs to be understood with as much detail as possible. I am not promoting any hatred, wait for the conclusion. 

So, if Rashmika is feeling disrespectful for her deep fake video & not feeling disrespectful for her Animal movie’s scene, that means, she is not giving importance to “consent” but, she is interested in getting money. 

If she was interested in getting “consent”, she would have also denied the Animal movie’s scene, because she felt disrespectful with such a scene. And, if the Animal movie’s scene is not a matter of feeling disrespectful, she should not feel disrespectful with that ‘AI generated deep fake video’. And still if she feels disrespectful with that video, she is just pretending to be. 

Because, those who really care about their dignity, never take actions which can destroy their respect & dignity. And if they take such actions, they are just running behind money making. 

And for them, nothing matters. They don't care what society will think about them. 

I am again telling you, read the entire writing till the conclusion, don’t judge my words here! You will interpret it wrongly. 

Now, another perspective of the same story: 

What thought came to the mind of the creator that he had to make such a video? 

If this question is asked, then it is directly confirmed that the person became (sexually) attached to Rashmika's body and that is why he made such a video to fulfill his sexual desire (mentally) - by replacing someone else's face with Rashmika’s face.

But wait a minute, how could such a thought process be born in his mind? 

When that person saw some scenes of Rashmika in her previous movies that aroused him, he would have thought of creating such a video, right?

Just for this reason we can understand that, how terribly can a woman's thoughts and her habitation pollute the environment around her? Here we can also understand that a decision taken by a woman has changed the perspective of thoughts.

So, indirectly, whatever she had to struggle with, was the consequence because of her own choice. 

Now they could also say that I'm defaming them! But I'm not. I'm just showing them the reality. As we know that the Sun always rises in the East and in the summer, it provides too much heat and in the winter, it provides too much cold, right? So, these words in bold font were the analysis of the facts. Similarly, whatever I have written about them (Rashmika and Animal Movie) is the analysis of what they have shown. I have tried to show what and how their one decision can affect a majority of people in a bad way. And also, they have already shown by themselves. So, how can it be considered that I'm defaming them? I'm not! 

If you're in a room and I cut an onion, the nature of that onion will make you cry, right? Similarly, the body of man and woman is created by God for 2 reasons, one to realize one's real form and become godly and secondly to produce people so that the debt of father or son can be paid. Paying debt to father or son also means that we have to fulfill our duty. We do not know the past karmas and that is why we should live with dharma (righteousness) and follow the principle of karma to make our present karmas good.

Here, the second reason suggests that women are capable of arousing men (it's their nature just like onion cutting can make you feel burning in your eyes {comparison of facts}). So, her first duty is to please her husband only. And the second duty is to act with restraint towards every man in the world. So that every man sees her from the point of view of respect and not adultery. Because arousing a man will cause him to sin. Clapping can only be done with two hands, not one.

And because of that, the woman will have to face the situation herself and the loss is hers and the man's. 

Because, as I already told you, a man’s existence is because of a woman. So, it is her responsibility to make her environment great, pure & comfortable for her. It is therefore their responsibility to grow children with cultural aspects & right knowledge. 

But I have personally seen today's women raising their kids teaching senseless dances, Non-righteousness and what not? 

Today’s mothers teach their kids to watch such movies & that is why they will be having no manners & respect for women. So, every action of yours, will create that kind of future. 

Earning money is not their (women’s) responsibility. But in the name of “feminism & rights”, they have taken the responsibilities of men. They have forgotten their own responsibilities and they behave as they think without understanding any aspects. Fulfilling your desires is not the goal. Today, I can see women wearing clothes that can definitely make men think (& look at her) about her in a sexual way. And, I am not lying to you. I have seen men saying about good looking girls, “wow, what a great model!” If someone else will say the same words for their mother, will they accept? No. Then why such words for other’s mother or other’s sister? 

Honestly, I can write one book on the same topic & still will never lack the explanations on this. But, i just want to request only one thing to women & men: 

For women: 

  • You are our mother, sister or daughter. But you are being seen as a “sex object” because of the way you represent yourself. You think that you are looking beautiful, but you are not looking beautiful! You are triggering men to look at you with sexual desires to get attention. And if they compliment you in such clothes and makeup, they are not complimenting “you”, but complimenting your “sexy looks”. And that too for their own selfishness.

  • You think that you will get attention & care from men, but you are destroying the youth & their mindset. You are creating an environment that will destroy yourself as well. It will be difficult for you to go outside of your home at night because people have a mindset of seeing you as sex objects & they can attack you anytime. So, you are the creator of your own destiny. Because, you are the creator of human beings. Know your worth my dear sisters & mothers. You are greater than the greatest. Without you, existence is nothing. If you think to change the entire universe, you alone can do it. And, this is not just words, I am really appreciating you from the bottom of my heart. 

  • I have just one request for you all, if you want pure love, a care-taking husband & lifelong happiness, change your way of representing yourselves. Acquire some knowledge of "righteousness". If men are approaching you with the intention of flirting or cracking jokes, you should show restraint & behave with them as their mother or sister or daughter, not as a girlfriend. By following such practice, they will keep some distance from you. But trust me, you will only be attracted by gentlemen, warriors & real men who really deserve you. Also, by following such practice, you will not contribute to spoiling the environment of men's minds. Today I can see girls speaking abusive words in front of men! Do they even know how their behavior psychology tricks men's minds? They don't know. Before you do or take any action, you must think about its consequences whether it is going to make something bad or good for others? 

  • And, only because of your way of living as you wish, men are so spoiled mentally that even after marrying you, they look at other girls. Why? Because, their minds are spoiled with sexual thoughts because of the clothes you wear. 

Now let me tell you a real story:

A few days back I was traveling by bus. I observed that one "Gujarati" girl was sitting in front of my seat with her friend. They both were talking with each other regarding their clothes. She was literally saying, "I am looking gorgeous in these clothes, don't you think so? (Asking her friend), why don't many people understand that they should also wear western clothes and not dresses!"

Then I thought about their conversation for a while and asked myself why Indian traditions had always been promoting "Ghunghat Pratha"? 

When I searched about this question, I was surprised by the logical reason behind it and I think you all 'must' know this reason so that you can teach your children about 'maan & maryada'. 

It has been proven by science that at a certain age, our body shows hormonal changes and because of that, boys get attracted towards girls and vice versa, this is a very understandable thing in common sense, right? 

So, if a girl is wearing full body covering clothes (I am not telling you to wear Ghunghat, just full body covering clothes), no boy will ever think about her in the wrong way because she is not showing her body (and it is not erotic!) That's why she will always have respect for herself. Whereas imagine a girl wearing a half top showing half of her body and a very short bottom! 

I have asked questions to few boys & here’s their answers:

  1. Which girls would you like to have a physical relationship with from the above image?

    • 2nd & 4th

  2. Which girls would you like to make your wife from the above image?

    • 1st & 3rd

These are not my answers, these are answers of many boys whom I showed this image to. 

From their answers, it is easily predictable that they like right side girls only for temporary physical relations. So, can you just imagine their mentality? They will never stick with one girl in their life. 

Because, men with such a mentality will always look for women with short clothes even after marriage. But why? 

From where & from when their mind has become spoiled? 

Answer: From the moment of seeing girls & women in such clothes through media, movies & in real life. 

You might say, “if you are talking about wearing full body covering clothes, why are you showing such photos yourself?” 

My answer is: “that’s why I told you in the beginning of this writing that this writing is going to be the most controversial.” You have been watching such girls in movies & real life, at that time you did not object to them. You enjoyed & satisfied your senses. But when I write it for the intention of showing you the reality, you object to it, wow! This is where I can see your mind being spoiled. When someone shows the truth & you cannot digest it, you will try to find the fault from it & represent it wrongly. - that is the indication of being egoistic. 

In today's world, showing body parts has become 'looking dashing & cool' but that's not actually your dignity and respect. Honestly, I have personally observed that girls who show their body parts are getting more attention from boys and followers on social media. They think that by doing such things they are getting popular but they don't know that 'in what perspective of thinking' they are getting popular in the boys' mindset. 

In the above picture, you will find that the 2nd and 4th girls are so beautiful and you can easily think bad about them because of their clothes and that's because their clothes are erotic. Whereas you will see the 1st & 3rd girls (who are more beautiful than those with short clothes) with respect because of her clothes. 

If your sister will wear such clothes and people will see her thinking that 'she looks beautiful' in a bad way, how would you feel? 

That's the main reason why our ancestors always tried to protect their wives, children and girls by letting them wear only clothes that were protecting their dignity and respect. 

That's why Ghunghat Pratha was there. Ghunghat Pratha was not there in Ancient Indian Culture because at that time, people were knowledgeable & they were following Brahmacharya lifestyle. It started after the invasion of outsiders in India. They spreaded the fear of atrocity among the women. And to protect our women, our ancestors started this Pratha. 

Today is the time when that same atrocity is being spread by the media & women themselves! And, still both expect that men should always respect women in every way. Of course they must be respected, but how? It is like, you have cut the wings of a bird & ordered it to fly in the sky, but how is it even possible? 

Cutting wings” means “representing women in half naked clothes” by the media & by women themselves. And, “ordered to fly in the sky” means to “expect respect & care”. 

It was for a reason that if an unknown man sees another's wife directly, they might get attracted towards her and to avoid that, girls or ladies would cover their face with "Ghunghat" so that other people would not see her face directly and think bad about her. It was accepted by those women for the purpose of applying restraint. 

That's what was considered as a character of that woman. But today's women are becoming "modern". And, in the name of “being modern”, they don't even realize that wearing erotic clothes they are not looking cool or gorgeous but ultimately reduces their own respect in people's mindset.

A real man will never expect to see any girl in half-naked clothes, because he respects their dignity. - Yagnesh.

A real woman will never think to wear half-naked clothes to look beautiful because she knows that beauty is not in looking beautiful but in behaving beautifully and respecting her man. - Yagnesh.

Now, for men

  • You must watch Ramayan (created by Ramanand Sagar) in which the great character of Lord Rama is shown in a way that represents a great warrior, a great king, a great son, a great brother, a great devotee & a great husband. - by only adopting Dharma (righteousness) & following his duties. 

  • Imagine if your mother or your sister is walking on the road and some idiots see them in such clothes and look at them with bad eyes and insult them, would you like it? No, right? So you have to be very careful that the same thing must not happen by yourself. That is your manners and life-giving for you. life-giving? How? 

You have to wait for the next writing to know about life-giving!


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આજનો જમાનો એક એવો જમાનો છે કે જેમાં દરેક વસ્તુ/વિચાર અને આપણી પરંપરામાં વિશ્વાસ કરાવવા માટે વૈજ્ઞાનિક સાબિતીઓ આપવી પડે છે!  પણ કહેવાય છે ને કે, " વિચારોને કોઈ અવકાશ નથી નડતો " બસ, એજ સાથે હું આજે તમને ભજન ભક્તિ કેમ કરવી તેના વિશે જણાવવાનો છું: આગળ ઉપર જેટલી પણ પુસ્તકો લખી છે તે દરેક પુસ્તકોમાં મેં આપણી સમજણ શક્તિ કઈ રીતે બને છે એમ ઘણા વિષય વિશે જણાવ્યું છે. પણ આજના આ આર્ટીકલમાં હું એમ જણાવવા જઈ રહ્યો છું કે "ભજન-ભક્તિ કેમ કરવી?" આ પ્રશ્નનો જવાબ મેળવતા પહેલા આપણે જીવનના અમુક પાસાઓ સમજી લઈએ તો આ પ્રશ્નનો જવાબ સમજવો ખુબજ સરળ થઇ જશે. અને આગળ વાંચવાનું શરુ કરો એ પહેલા એક વિનંતી છે દિલથી: "આ લેખ (આર્ટીકલ) એક મજાક નથી કે ફક્ત લખાણ પણ નથી! આ લેખ અત્યાર સુધી લખાયેલા જેટલા પણ સત્ય જ્ઞાનના ગ્રંથો છે તેમાંથી લીધેલ પ્રેરણા અને જે-જે લેખકો, ઋષિમુનીઓ એ આપણને જીવન કઈ રીતે જીવવું એ સમજણની ભેટ આપી છે તેની એક ઝાંખી છે. તદુપરાંત આ લેખમાં લખેલો દરેક શબ્દ, વાક્ય અને ફકરો મારી પોતાની 15 વર્ષની મહેનત છે જેને વિજ્ઞાન, તર્ક, ઈંટ્યુશન (Intuition) અને બીજા ઘણા માધ્યમોથી ચકાસેલું છે. તો જો

Nectar Words. - What do you really need in your life? - the ultimate question | Yagnesh Suthar [2024]

Nectar Words | What do you really need in your life? - the ultimate question? Every single day, everyone on earth wakes up, gets ready, and goes to their jobs or businesses just to " earn money ". Because we strongly believe that, " if I want to be happy, I will need to make as much money as I can ". With the same thought process, almost " everyone " on earth is living their life. But, I have seen many people dying at the age of 30 or sometimes below 30!  The reasons for death could be anything, but the fact is that I have seen many people dying at various ages unexpectedly . This fact proves that there is no certainty of the time of death , but death is certain . Life has no guarantee that when you may die! If there is no certainty of the time of death, don't you think that we must find the purpose of our life?  Because even after earning huge amounts of money, I have seen people who are still working to get more money (see the billionaires of today)!

They all are fooling you! wake up to reality. | Yagnesh Suthar's Blog 2024

You have been told from your birth that if you do not study, you will not succeed in life . And that’s why, everyone has been spending their most precious time studying something without realizing their curiosity.  If you study hard & get good grades, you will have a great job that will make your life stable.  When you were 6 years old, you were so excited to learn about the world. How does exactly the world around you work? But, in search of so-called “ Success ”, you were forced to study in schools.  Before school, you were learning everything completely based on your curiosity. For example, if I ask you " How did you start to speak? ", You would say that you had observed your parents' actions of speaking, the folding of their lips, and based on your observation & curiosity, you tried to copy their actions. And thereby, you started to speak. But, when you were forced to study in school, your teachers taught you everything just to complete their syllabus. They ha