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What do you think, why we are here on earth? | Yagnesh Suthar Blog 2023

What do you think, why we are here on earth?

When I questioned myself, I was so speechless by thinking the moments I have spent were all useless. Do you want to know about it? Let me tell you!
If you ask yourself, what is the purpose of your life?
You will think about many things like:
  • Becoming a rich guy,
  • Getting married,
  • Getting fame or popularity,
  • Becoming a capable person or so many things, right?
But cannot you see that this purpose is only limited to the time period of our death?
I mean, we can only achieve these purposes only while we are living. (And you will reply: "of course, that's the fact!" But honestly, that's not the fact. You have been manipulated by people. And you need to understand this.)

If you see the intention behind your purpose, you will find that "your purpose (and you)" is looking for "happiness", right?
And one more question; even if you will achieve your purpose, what is the guarantee that you will always feel happy?
For example, suppose you won in a race and got gold medal, you are so happy for now. But just after a few minutes or months, you will be having some trouble in your life and you will not be happy! Why?

We all have been fooled from our birth. We believe in "examples" even without knowing the correlation! For example, you could have heard people saying, "if you press a spring, it will jump higher, right? Likewise, if you suppress your desires, you will have more desires later". How can someone correlate "Spring" with "Mind"? Spring is made in such a way that it will always jump when we would ever press it.
The mind is not a spring. Mind is a mind. It is a tool of our consciousness. It can be transformed. If you give an information as an input, your mind will analyze it, understand it and transform the perception of your understanding. But without even understanding the words, you believe in people. First listen to your own heart.
Do not think upon the words you have been hearing. Or, whatever you hear, you need to understand it using three person perspective and with heart & mind in sync.

Sanatana Dharma always teach us two things:
  1. We are sachchidanand (sat-chit-anand)
  2. Become the master of your mind not the slave (You have to win the mind not other's kingdoms!)
When you try to understand these two sentences, you will realize that, sachchidanand means: we (our consciousness) is the truth, and it is blissful in itself. But we try to understand it with logic and that is the reason why we are not understanding this. These words are not meant to be interpreted. They are meant to be realized by feeling them.
But how?
When you perform Dhyan (meditation), you will realize it. That's why it's been said that if you want to get knowledge, just perform Dhyan! Just imagine what level of understanding our ancestors had! (I got goosebumps!) And we are only looking at logical perspectives of everything. We have made our minds in such a way that our beliefs are totally based on logic. In fact, science is only accepting everything if it is proven with logic and documented evidence.

Whatever is out of it, science will never accept it as a fact. Because it wants to measure everything. Life is not measurable! There is no concept of measurement when we are experiencing the happiness. Measurement is needed for business, analysis. Life is not meant for that, it is meant for understanding our own nature and then live your life for the devotion of God. Life is just a game!

I want to tell you something more; All our desires have been controlling us from the very beginning. For example, if you get angry easily, that means your anger has controlled you. Do you know who is your biggest enemy? Not the one who has borrowed money from you, not the one who is creating plans to destroy you, your only & biggest enemy is "your mind". You can easily be made angry by anyone who speaks words which you will not prefer to listen to. That means they can control you as a tool in any circumstance. But you are not a tool. You must have control over your senses and mind. Nobody can ever control you using their psychological tricks.

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Sanatana Dharma always teach us to perform Pranayama and Dhyana.
Were they idiots?
No, they have realized the knowledge that can make you peaceful forever.
It is a common logic: "if a device is working every single moment, it will be affected at one point or it will be stopped at one point, right?"
Because even machines need rest. And only in the rest, they will always find peace. We are not born to work our entire life. In fact, there was no need for jobs and businesses because our stomach needs only two times meal. That two times of meal can be grown in farm. And using benevolent actions, everyone could have lived their life peacefully and perfectly. But no one wants that! Almost everyone is selfish.

Anyways, our purpose is to know who we are and when we realize our true nature, we need to thank God by utmost devotion with love because that act gives us happiness. After realizing, we will automatically adapt to benevolent actions, compassion and unconditional love that will always give you happiness from within. Knowledge always give you happiness but only if it is the truth.

We do not need anything other than three things:
  • Food,
  • Clothes and
  • Shelter.
Anything other than this is useless.
Use your logic here!
Even after getting millions of rupees, you will eat only 300 gm of food two times! You will need one pair of cloth to cover your body for the protection from environment and you will need shelter to live in, right?
That's it.
What else?
Now, try to look everywhere, you will find millions of products and people have been inventing new products by finding the gaps in our life's problems.
It is like: I am the problem giver and I am the solution provider as well! So, my customers will always be there and I will earn money and they will have to work anyhow. So, everyone else will be the part of exploitation!

Honestly, these so called gaps-finders and scientists are just wasting their precious & most fortunate time behind material achievements. They think they will get happiness after their achievements. They strongly believe that getting more money will give them happiness. But it will never! It will definitely never give them happiness.
See, whatever is a truth, is a truth no matter what! Likewise, happiness is a resulting emotion of your sense of satisfaction or sense of completeness.

Now, if you are going on a date with your girlfriend, you will enjoy your time there, right? But, after few days, the desire will raise again asking for more. And your desires will force you to take actions which you will definitely take for the sake of temporary happiness but, again the process will always be repeated one after another, never ending. Try to observe this things. Let me give you one more example of a trap! Just like you were told in your class 10 that you will be happy after completing your class 10. But did you become happy? No, you were again told to study in class 12 & then college and then business or job. Then wife, kids, responsibilities. It is a trap, bro! Don't listen to them. Try to listen to your own voice, your own heart. You will realize the truth. Material achievements are trap. It engages you with it and gives you different kinds of pain.

In fact, some people have intellectually understood it as well, let me show you that:

Every time you will have different kinds of pain. The real happiness is only achieved from the self satisfaction. Because, "satisfaction" is the resulting emotion of your understanding of completeness. When you think about getting something, you will feel incomplete, if you will ever feel incomplete, you will never be satisfied and you will never be happy. Because, Fulfilling one desire will create another desire. Desire is a "forever thirsty well". It can only be filled completely with "right understanding". And there is a exactly right logic behind it, let me tell you that:

What is a desire?

Desire is a daughter of mind! And, it can be controlled by controlling the mind.
Desire is either a "need" or "want" or "both"! But, exactly, it is a strong feeling of wanting to have something. So that "wish to have something" is there because of the ignorance that "you are incomplete". But, you are completely complete within yourself! You are just manipulated by your surroundings, that's it.

Suppose I saw a beautiful girl, my mind will think about making her girlfriend. But it is my duty to let my mind know and make it understand that the way I look at someone else's sister could also be my sister in such a situation in someone else's view.
This way, your perception will change and you will control your mind. But we are already seriously (I repeat "seriously") affected our mind, we already became the slave of our senses. That's why whenever we will see anyone, we would see her/him with lusty eyes. But when you observe your actions (observe sensory data), you can change your perspective of thinking and by the transformation of that thought process, you can have a great understanding about the scene. You are a consciousness, you are an energy, everything emerging from you (thoughts, actions, emotions, perceptions etc.) can be transformed. It is not a spring! Understand this fact and your life will be so great.

We are here on earth for the purpose of realization of the fact that, "We are a consciousness", "we are a part of God", "we are eternal, we can never die, only our body dies, we are eternal", "we are sachchidananad - truth, blissful & eternal"

Our purpose is to get to know about this fact so that we can get liberation from the birth & death. We can become sthitaprajna, we can become a karmayogi - that's where the real happiness resides!.

Thanks for reading it.

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